SMP Scalp Management

SMP Scalp Management

A receding hairline or baldness can negatively impact your self-esteem. We administer a wholly natural procedure that will make a huge difference to the way you look and feel. Customized and comprehensive Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure used as a remedy for thinning hair, receding hairline, and baldness.

Similar to the application of a tattoo, SMP Scalp Management is the application of pigment to the scalp that resemble real hair follicles. The use of natural pigments means that the colour ages with your skin, instead of remaining the same colour or turning blue from the carbon dioxide that is in most other pigments.

Each person is assessed individually to establish skin and hair colour, as well as where the trouble areas are. By accurately replicating you own natural hair follicles and colour, SMP helps to strengthen and add density to thinning areas, and this creates an undetectable illusion of thicker hair.
The process can take up to three months. The first part is to create a shadow, and the individual hair follicles and the last aspect is blending.

After Care

Keep your scalp dry for four days after your treatment. You might experience some redness or an itchy scalp – both will subside after a few days. You may want to wear a hat or a covering but make sure it’s soft and loose so it doesn’t irritate your skin.

Tiny scabs will appear as the healing progresses and after two days you can use a moisturiser, which will help the process. Try to avoid excessive sweating for four days, but if it does occur, use a paper towel to blot away the sweat. After the four day period, you can wash your scalp with warm, soapy water – avoid strong chemicals or hair-growth products. You can use these types of products after 10 days. To maintain the integrity of the colour, try to avoid swimming pools for a month because the high chlorine levels could negatively impact the colour. Moisturise regularly and use a high-factor sunscreen.

“This is not just a treatment for men who are balding – I see many women whose hair may be thinning and especially women who have had their hair tied up for many years, which causes a receding hair line.”