3D Areola Tattoo Construction

3D Areola Tattoo Construction

A mastectomy can be devastating, leaving scaring and a sense of deep loss of femininity and self. While breast implants can be done to rebuild the breast post-mastectomy, there’s still a need to re-create the areola.

Through micropigmentation, or cosmetic tattooing, we create a completely natural-looking 3D areola tattoo that will bring back the look and feel of your breast post-surgery. Using natural pigments regulated by the EU with a design and colouring to perfectly match your body, this procedure restores your breast beautifully.

Similar to the application of a tattoo, SMP Scalp Management is the application of pigment to the scalp that resemble real hair follicles. The use of natural pigments means that the colour ages with your skin, instead of remaining the same colour or turning blue from the carbon dioxide that is in most other pigments.

During treatment, we will measure and outlie the area, and then an organic pigment will be embedded below the skin. Each treatment is completely individualised, ensuring that the pigments perfectly match your skin type and colour.

The pigment can fade after the first week and may require a touch up. Certain creams can also cause early fading, such as those containing glycolic acid, Retin A or aloe vera.

3D Areola Tattoo construction is a particular passion of Honey’s, helping women look and feel back to their natural selves after devastating surgery.

After Care

A waterproof dressing will be placed on the affected area, which you need to leave on for three days. You can shower with it on. There may be some fluid build-up under the dressing and this is completely normal. On day four, you can remove the dressing and gently wash the area with warm, soapy water. Try not to scrub. If any scabs have formed, leave them in place until they come off on their own. After showering, dry gently and apply a non-scented lotion. You can apply lotion more than once a day if the area looks and feels dry. Avoid soaking in a pool or bath until the tattoo is completely healed (usually about 2 weeks). For at least a week, avoid exercise and don’t lift anything heavier than 9 kilograms. You can wear a bra, but ensure that it doesn’t rub against and irritate the tattoo