Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks

A growth spurt, weight gain or muscle gain can cause stretchmarks, not to mention pregnancy – stretch marks are essential caused by loss of collagen in the area of the stretchmark.Micro needling effectively reduces stretch marks by improving the collagen content of your skin.

Depending on your needs, you’ll have a session that lasts around 45 minutes, and you’ll need two or three sessions before you see results. By then, it will be clear how well you skin responds to the treatment and you may need additional sessions at a later stage. Old (white) stretch marks will diminish by about 50% and more recent stretch marks (red), fade more easily.


Improvements and healing of the skin continues after treatment, with final results showing after four weeks. Some swelling and redness can occur, and can last a few days – but a cold compress or over the counter pain killers will help.