Acne Scaring

Acne Scaring

depending on the severity type of scarring, your skin will be assessed and a treatment plan designed to suit your skin. Over time the scars can be addressed and will fade, particularly those scars that are pitted – hyaluronic acid helps create volume in your skin, and other antioxidants and amino acid contain anti-inflammatories that encourage healing.Micro needling just inside the raised scar tissue causes the skin to begin producing collagen as the small wound from the needle heals, There is no -on-size-fits-all treatment, every person is treat med individually.

Peptides, fillers and peels all assists in creating a smoother, more even skin tone with the scarring reduced, minimised or completely healed.


Your skin may be slightly swollen and reddish for the rest of the day, avoid wearing make-up for 48 hours. Healing is a process that takes place within 5- days, but after treatment the skin continues to regenerate for 4-6 months.